We provide two different email solutions. Our standard solution provides you with a business class email account which you can access via your phone, tablet and any internet browser. Our premium solution provides the same business class email as the standard solution but also includes Microsoft Office which you can download on five devices of your choice.
No matter which solution you choose you will be able to access your emails from any device you use. All of the changes you make on one device will be instantly updated on all of the others, which will allow you to control your emails on any device anywhere in the world.
You will also have access to 1TB of secure cloud file storage via Microsoft OneDrive which will allow you to drag and drop files from your computer and access them from any device you use.
If you decide to purchase a domain name solution and an email solution you will gain more flexibility for creating additional email accounts which will allow you to create info@, accounts@ or admin@ email addresses (for example). These can either redirect to your personal email address or even show up as a separate mailbox within your mail client.
Please click here to find out more about our domain name solutions.